The Essentials for a Vehicle Emergency Kit

A well-stocked emergency kit in the trunk of a car.

No one expects to get into an accident, but being prepared for unexpected situations on the road is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or new to the road, driving conditions can change rapidly, especially in winter. Sudden snowstorms, icy roads, and other hazards can turn a simple drive into a dangerous situation.

A vehicle emergency kit equips you with the tools and supplies you need to handle unexpected problems, from minor inconveniences like a flat tire to more serious emergencies like getting stuck in a snowbank. 

Why Do I Need an Emergency Kit in My Car?

Forty percent of drivers say they do not have emergency supplies in their vehicle. Many drivers claim their abilities are above average, but this is a false assumption and dangerous misconception. You may have the awareness to break early in the rain or dodge an abandoned vehicle on the shoulder, but all it takes is an exposed nail or a slick patch of black ice to put even the most attentive motorists in a hazardous situation. 

We’re not saying you’re a bad driver. Even by reading about car emergency essentials, you have already taken a proactive step in protecting yourself from dangerous road conditions. To keep you aware and prepared for the hazards you may face during a winter road trip, let’s break down everything you’ll need in your vehicle emergency kit. 

How To Pack a DIY Car Emergency Kit

A well-rounded kit can address various emergencies, from mechanical issues to severe weather conditions. Here are some essential items to include:

Flashlight, Road Flares, or Retroreflectors 

A woman stands by her car with a retroreflector on the road to warn others.

Often overlooked, these simple tools can help save your life by preventing a bad accident from getting worse. Accidents on poorly lit roads are dangerous on their own, but if you’re pulled over on the shoulder without giving proper warning to oncoming drivers, you are at risk of being hit.

Road flares, including electric versions, are a critical part of your emergency kit. They provide a bright, visible signal to other drivers that your vehicle is disabled. Retroreflectors, which reflect light back toward its source, can also help make your vehicle more visible at night or in low-light conditions. Whatever you choose to use, make sure you have at least three to place well in advance of your vehicle so oncoming drivers know you are there well in advance so they can give you the room you need to remain safe.

Your road flare placement should look something like this:

  • First road flare. Place it 300 feet behind your vehicle.
  • Second road flare. Place it 10 feet away from your vehicle.
  • Third and any additional road flares. If you’re stalled on a two-way road, place road flares ahead of your car as well for increased visibility.

Window Punch

The structural integrity of your vehicle changes when you experience a crash. Doors can become jammed, along with windows, sunroofs, and other means of escape. Whether you are injured or unscathed, you need a reliable way to exit your vehicle to call for help. That’s where the window punch comes in. Often sold as keychains or in a compact package that can fit in your glove compartment, this small tool can be a lifesaver.

Even if you are not in a crash, you can use your punch to help others who are by shattering the glass in their window to create an escape route. The window punch is designed to deliver a concentrated force that shatters tempered glass quickly, and while they are easy to use, proper technique can save valuable time.

Here’s how to use a window punch:

  1. Hold the window punch firmly in your hand.
  2. Press the tip of the punch against the corner of the window.
  3. Warn others to look away, shield your own eyes, and apply steady pressure until the glass breaks.
  4. Carefully clear away any remaining shards before exiting.

Seatbelt Cutter

A seatbelt cutter is being used to cut through a safety restraint in a car.

Seatbelts are designed to be easily latched and unlatched in case of emergency, but in a particularly aggressive crash, a rollover, or if your car becomes submerged in water, this safety restraint can become a hazard.

A seatbelt cutter allows you to quickly free yourself from your car. Often including a built-in window punch, this simple tool can help you escape your vehicle when time is more important than anything else. Seat belt cutters are designed with a concealed blade that safely slices through the belt without risking injury, so you can keep one on a key chain or in your glove compartment in case of an accident.  

More Useful Safety Gear for Winter Road Trips

Winter road trips can be especially hazardous, so it’s important to pack additional safety gear. These items can help you deal with common winter problems and ensure you’re prepared for any situation:

  • Jumper cables. Jumper cables can help you start your car if the battery dies. Make sure they are long enough to reach between vehicles easily and that you know how to use them safely.
  • Lug wrench. A flat tire can happen at any time. A lug wrench will help you change a tire quickly and safely. Make sure it’s the correct size for your vehicle’s lug nuts and that you know how to use it.
  • Extra windshield wiper fluid. Windshield wiper fluid with a low freezing point can be used to melt ice on your windshield or door locks. Always keep a full container in your trunk.
  • Cat litter. Believe it or not, when you get stuck on an icy or snowy road, kitty litter can provide the traction you need to get moving again. 

Keep Your Vehicle Prepared With Central Self Storage

The saying, “The best offense is a good defense” especially applies to your vehicle’s maintenance in between road trips. If you plan to store your vehicle, shield it from the elements with Central Self Storage’s secure vehicle storage solutions.

Our facilities are designed to give you peace of mind for your car, truck, or SUV, with indoor and outdoor storage options designed around your needs. Whether you require short-term storage during the winter months or long-term solutions, we have you and your vehicle covered. 
Find a vehicle storage facility near you to reserve your space today.
